Shoulder Pain
The shoulder allows you to have a lot of movement! It includes the glenohumeral joint, the scapulothoracic pseudo joint, the sternoclavicular joint. Its controlled by the nerves of the neck and has many muscles that help it move. It can move in many different directions and it can have so many things go wrong and cause pain. Pain in the shoulder is very common. The cause can be direct injury to the shoulder, irritation of the nerves in the neck that go to the shoulder, or poor posture altering how your shoulder sits and works.
When the shoulder does get injured, you may find you can’t lift your arm up over your head, or maybe that you must help it over a certain part of the movement. Or it may just hurt doing certain activities. Often it will be aggravated by sleeping on your shoulder, so you may want to sleep on the other side until it has healed.
After a consultation and examination, I will let you know if chiropractic treatment will able to help, of how much improvement you will be able to achieve and in what time frame. Treatment varies depending the cause of the problem. Often it will include specific manipulation, stretching, exercises and soft tissue interventions.
When the shoulder does get injured, you may find you can’t lift your arm up over your head, or maybe that you must help it over a certain part of the movement. Or it may just hurt doing certain activities. Often it will be aggravated by sleeping on your shoulder, so you may want to sleep on the other side until it has healed.
After a consultation and examination, I will let you know if chiropractic treatment will able to help, of how much improvement you will be able to achieve and in what time frame. Treatment varies depending the cause of the problem. Often it will include specific manipulation, stretching, exercises and soft tissue interventions.